Conspiracy theorists used to ramble on about the coming New World Order, arguing that part of what would bring on such a sinister system will be the drive for a global currency. Then, the conspiracy became a headline when at the G-20 Summit British Prime Minister Gordon Brown proclaimed that the New World Order was on the horizon.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is being seen by some as the vessel to bring about a global currency, and to bring about the reality of a global governance.
Rob Roselli maintains that bankers created the Federal Reserve for the reason of creating something like the IMF, and unless we realize this soon and change direction, the United States many not be able to escape a perilous future of globalism, and the New World Order.
The author of "The THEorYofLIVEvolution," Rob Roselli is my guest tonight on Political Pistachio Radio, and he believes the drive for a "New World Order" is afoot, and it is not an accident. Join the program live at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern, or on archive, HERE.
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