In 1945, near the town of Nag Hammadi, a farmer found a red jar containing 12 papyrus books bound in leather. The writers of these codices were followers of an ancient movement called Gnosticism. The tales in the texts claim to be written by Jesus' first disciples. Five of the Nag Hammadi words call themselves Gospels. Some scholars believe that these documents rewrite the story of Christianity.
The Jesus Seminar wrote a new translation of the Gospels using the Gnostic influence. Writers like Elaine Pagels have written extensively on the "lost Gospels." Before long, the lost Gospels began to be used as a way to undermine Christianity, using a linguistic shell game that has created confusion and doubt among some in society. However, Gnosticism didn't receive center stage until Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code hit the book shelves in 2003.
Fifty million readers of Dan Brown's best selling novel read in The Da Vinci Code that the Nag Hammadi writings are "unaltered Gospels" which present Jesus Christ in "human terms." Dan Brown's book claims that the lost Gospels were rejected by The Church for political reasons, and that the story of Jesus is a much different tale than what is portrayed by Christianity. And with the popularity of Dan Brown's novel, in addition to a number of Hollywood releases using Gnosticism for the stories, the Gnostic Rennaissance is in full bloom.
In 2007, David Marshall published his book, The Truth About Jesus and the "Lost Gospels." The book delves deep into the "Lost Gospels" to answer what they are, where they came from, if they are trustworthy, if they are on par with the Holy Bible, and whether or not we have had wrong perceptions about Jesus all along.
Tonight, during the first hour of Political Pistachio Radio, David Marshall is my guest. In tonight's interview, we will go through a careful comparison of the "Lost Gospels" to the Bible, as well as investigate how Gnosticism has infected our society, and political system.
The Episode Airs Live at 7:00 pm Pacific Time on Political Pistachio Radio - catch it live, or the archive later, HERE.
During the second hour of the show, we will be joined by Augie Sodaro of Special Guests to discuss how agencies like Special Guests work, and how internet radio is influencing todays entertainment industry.
And here is a list of the recent shows you may have missed:
Global Governance and the Obama Administration - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
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Impact: Passion of the Christ Dir. Tim Chey, Adam Bitely of Americans For Limited Government
In addition to his latest film, "Live Fast, Die Young," Tim Chey has directed a number of films over the years. Impact: Passion of the Christ, however, is a searing commentary on today's socio-political environment from the Christian point of view. Tonight Tim joins us to discuss his latest film, as well as Impact: The Passion of the Christ. In the second hour, Adam Bitely of Americans for Limited Government and NetRight Daily joins us to discuss the Obama Presidency. 3/14/2009
U.N. to dictate American Parental Rights on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
Mike Donnelly Esq. of the Home School Legal Defense Association is my guest tonight to discuss the UNCRC treaty that Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and the Democrats are pushing that could take away American Parental Rights.
Islam in America, Christianity Out, Socialism In, Liberty Out - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
Obama Repeals Bush Abortion Regulation as Montana Passes Personhood Amendment. The Chinese take advantage with a Power Grab you will not believe - right here in America! H.R. 45 to begin Federal Gun Control Measures. Muslim Brotherhood in California Protests FBI investigations into Mosques. Obama Citizenship Eligibility being demanded by Military Officers. Obama, the economy, and health care. Tea Parties Across America. Illinois Bans Prayer in Christian Schools. Obama seizing opportunity of Crises. Obama disses Britain. Hillary embarasses America in Russia.
Gunny Pop, The Cigar Marine, returns to Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
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Ray Comfort discusses Religion and Politics on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
You Can Lead An Atheist To Evidence, But You Can't Make Him Think is the new book by Ray Comfort published by World Net Daily Books. Ray also co-hosts The Way of the Master with Kirk Cameron. Ray Comfort is my guest on Political Pistachio Radio - Conservative Commentary 2/28/2009
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